Tuesday, February 26, 2008


i am having, no, getting twins. what a freaking blessing for an aunt. yes, a blessing. and my grandma sitting there in heaven,(yes folks, i know EXACTLY WHERE THAT WOMAN IS!), is a bit jealous that i get to be there. and i cannot wait for those two precious babies to grace us with their presence. i will be the best aunt, with the best gifts, and teach those children as much as their parents. and they will know nothing but joy, with their aunt.

i am so excited!

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008


so today, in korea, i turn 33. that is so crazy to me. and i am most proud of my mom e-mailing me first, with the time change. yea mom! supposedly 33, is the mythical year of good things. so far in the 3 hours it has been fun, and we'll see what the future holds.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

oh my

so two months in seoul with good food is bad. the china diet was lovely, none of my clothes fit. i was thinner then i had been in years. and then we came to korea, more specifically, seoul. danged restaurants that are really good! i have gained a little weight back. my clothes are all still big, but not as big as they were. dangit!!!!

the twins names are: (drumroll please)
ava grace and evan matthew

good call rachel and brett!

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i am a chronic repeater of blog info. please forgive me. my boss is here. off to the bar...

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Friday, February 15, 2008

still in seoul

so here i sit, still in seoul. and you'd think i would love this sit down stuff, but i think 2 months is too much. it's the amount of time i usually sit in the summer, but i am getting paid for this shit. the food is great. the city is super fun. i had to start a social calender to keep track of what i am doing day to day. i don't even do that at home. my birthday is coming up. i am sharing my birthday this year with one of the cast girls. we decided to have a joint b-day party, because we are just 2 days apart. but age wise we are ten years apart. that just breaks my heart. i feel so old. and if i don't get cards from my family, there are gonna be some folks in big trouble. just sayin'.
i found out that it is confirmed, the twins are a boy and girl. i brag about them all the time. i think everyone is sick of hearing about them, but i don't really care. and i have told everyone who will listen, their names. i plan to be the rockinest aunt they have. tattoos and drinking way early.
i am so kidding!!!! i just want them to read, like my grandma taught me. i will give them books for my gifts. and let them read at the dinner table.
i miss my family and my little apartment. and being able to call anyone, anytime. skype is neat, but i don't really use it all that often. just for the mom.
it is time for me to retire for the evening...

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Sunday, February 10, 2008


i miss my family.
and i miss my friends.
and that is all i have for now.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

my mom

for those of you who don't know her, she's pretty rockin'. now if i could just get her to sign her name when she leaves me a message. she is the comment from yesterday. i don't know if she is trying to be sneaky. and i know right now she is reading this, laughing to herself. in her office, wondering if she should play a gambling game. or go see her grandson. either way she's awesome and i love her and miss her. i'll call you soon mamita.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

things about korea

so i haven't written a long blog in a long time, and i thought i would.
things i have done in korea so far...

*i got my hair cut. oh good lord. everyone loves it, and of course i hate it. the color is lovely, but the cut is awful.
*i have played indoor golf for a hot second. i hate feeling stupid, which is how golf makes me feel, so i just became the beer girl. my job was to make sure everyone's putting game was terrible. and it was.
*i went to the DMZ. there is an area within the DMZ that is considered "no man's land". no human has been in the area for a little over 50 years. the plants and animals are thriving. it is kind-of strange.
*i will be watching the superbowl at 8:00 a.m. monday morning, at a bar. yup, that's safe.
*i have eaten more garlic in korea, then in the past 5 years of my life. there is a place here called 'mad for garlic'. it's my favorite place to eat. we go every monday. it is amazing.

i am doing this blog in the middle of a show. i should be paying attention, but clearly i am not. whatever. maybe i'll write a bit more later...

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