Thursday, October 25, 2007


so i know that my family gets worried when i don't blog for awhile, but how much bitching can i do about china?

yesterday, we went to a grocery store. i was done and was sitting on a bench right past the checkouts. i was of course minding my own business as everyone and their brother stared at me, the white girl. i had no idea i was so fascinating. i guess i am prettier then i thought. anyway, all the sudden this woman comes running up with a child. she then whips down his pants and stands him on a trashcan not even a foot from me, and let's him pee in the trashcan. i almost threw up. how is it that a 6000 year old culture can't find a damn toilet? or figure out a waste system? or have drinkable running water? or use a kleenex? i am a bit grossed out now, and i hope you are too. welcome to cheenay.


keep reading...

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