Wednesday, December 19, 2007

out of china


so i haven't blogged in awhile, and now i can freely, without restrictions. and you, my adoring fans, can comment, and i can read them. woo-hoo. we are in korea for the next 4 months. i came over early for work, and have already spent a week in seoul. it is great. i am excited to be here. things to know about korea...

it's expensive. like mid-town manhattan expensive
it's clean. i can see across the city.
they have real toilets. enough said for now.
they do theatre here. a lot of theatre. so it's kind-of cool, to have people who understand what i do.

that's all for now, and i will try to be better at this whole blogging thing.

oh and i am spending christmas in gwangju, korea. yea me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Dear Daughter,
I understand you were worried about me and didn't know if I made it home or not. Well I thought I sent you an Email after getting home and thanking you for the lovely flowers. Sorry I worried you. Will do better. Spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Brett, Rachel, and Seth. Had a wonderful, relaxed time. Seth had a great Christmas and seemed to enjoy it, he loved all your books. And we all used the new blankets to take naps. Love you, Mom.